Assalem Association to help Orphaned Children

A smile on the face of an orphan means too much as long as his crying makes the world shake.

The messenger, peace be upon him said: “I and the responsible for an orphan in Heaven as those” and he showed for the forefinger and the central.

In this context, our Association hopes to be the fountain of hope and a strong support to orphaned and deprived children and that is by granting them all the opportunities to build a happy life under the auspices of dignity and freedom.

At a time when satellites and technological development proceed, many orphaned children are homeless with no shelter, hungry and tearful.

So, dear altruists don’t hesitate to make them feel happy; drawing grin on their faces is our essential goal.


Our Association 

Assalem Association to help Orphaned Children is an independent and charitable association that is interested essentially in the assistance and relief of orphaned and deprived children who need aid. Our Association sustains Visa Number 2012T06062APSF1 drawn from the republic of Tunisia dated on September 29, 2012. The main location is in Métlaoui and it is performing all over the republic of Tunisia.


Restoring hope to orphans: it is this noble cause that the members of the association adopt.


Our programs


Sponsorship is a collective and an important work in which the donor supports one of the orphans.Read more

The scholatic Return:

The scholatic return is an important event because it is the orphan’s future, the purchaseRead more


During the month of Ramadan, our society is keen to provide as much food as possible for orphans who have no supportRead more

Eid Al-Fitr:

At the end of Ramadan month (month of fasting), there is no more beautiful than drawing the grin on the faceRead more

Eid Al-Adha:

Celebrating this feast is a favorable opportunity. Here you can express your solidarity and make theRead more

Volunteer work is to make your heart, your effort and your time free of charge.

  make a donation
